Friday 20 September 2013

Day 92 on BSP and 65 on IVF

Long waited! Finally my second periods has come and  it means we can finally move on to the next step of IVF, embryo transfer. I have reported the clinic on my day 1 of this period and they advised me that the blood test will start from 26th to monitor my hormone and see the timing of ovulation. Pretty excited!

I've kept drinking Noni J and fresh carrot and apple juice which I make every morning. I haven't really feel significant difference. But I think I feel less tired, I used to need a nap or rest in late afternoon which I haven't had for a while. It also seem to be affecting my bowel. I have had constipation for long time but my routine to go to toilet is much regular now which is awesome! However, it can be due to having the veggie left overs from making juice with yogurt. I hate wasting in my nature and the waste of juice seems to content lots of fiber so I started eating them as my breakfast. Well, whatever reason is, it's perfectly working!

I also have Goji berry. I discover the taste of dry Goji itself is not my cup of tea but I like it better when it's hydrated. So, I have it as Goji tea. To put two tea spoon in a hot water and drink and eat berries. It's my late night drink instead of coffee or tea lately.

It's about 3 months since I started my Body Shape Program and the time is over. My weight is around 50 kg now so I couldn't achieved my goal 47kg. I have to say there was an great interruption, getting on to IVF which I could not avoid and my priority has shifted on to. Even though, the weight is one of the indicator, what really counts is the shape and I do to my body appears on my body shape I believe. I will keep doing things like walking with my dog, exercise with videos on YouTube and fasting to maintain my shape.

I'm going to stop making record of my body shape program at this point.  

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