Wednesday 13 July 2011

The children

Often... They annoy me and disappoint me. They are loud, misbehave and out of control, don't listen and speak back to me, Disobedient and too strong-willed. But they also sometimes become so sweet, loving, caring, obedient and understanding. Little achievements in their behavior or action make my day. The kind of moments make me keep going to be good guardian because I know I'm lucky to have them in life and be in their life. I want to make most of myself for them. I think ... I love them...maybe a lot! I appreciate them in my life.

May all living thing be happy!



love cooking? Be aware of the trap behind the nice feeling.

I have cooked a lot lately. it's like I became a 'loving cooking' person which doesn't feel bad actually. It makes me feel I'm becoming a better wife and woman. However, I just realized there is a bug hidden consequence to become a chef at home. It is... Weight control. It is soooo hard to lose weight once you get them. You enjoy cooking more,you cook more. It's simple. Then there are food which is ready to be eaten always in the fridge so you never feel hungry! Own cooking also give you comfortableness to eat, like " it's safe food so it's ok to eat a lot"....x(!!! When you've got some ingredients left in the fridge, you will find new recipes. You are happy with new recipe then you will buy more ingredients to cook some more of it. It means, again, you always have left-overs and ingredients which you have to consume. What a routine! Is it happened on only me? Doing extra exercising doesn't seem working so far. I really want to keep in shape but also enjoy cooking. I'm finding it sooooo hard to break the routine as long as you enjoy it. Hopefully, as I get better with cooking, I will become more controllable my volume of food and snitching food 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

May all loveing thing be happy!


手作りの安心感もある。手作りだから健康に良いしって安心感が、必要以上に食べさせる気がする。更には、冷蔵庫に材料があればまた美味しそうなレシピを探して作る。そのお料理が気に入ったら、今度は材料を多めに買って作り置きまでしちゃう。あぁ、なんて循環!エクササイズを多めにしてるけど、効果のほどは今のところ見られない((T ^ T)明らかに、消費する以上を食べてるのね。願わくば、お料理上手になるほど、量とつまみ食いのコントロールが出来る様になりますように。

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Trust - a key of human life

I believe trust is one of the key of relationship. It can only be build up gradually but be ruined easily. It is very very flagile. Friendship,relationship between man and woman and family...all type of relationship can be affected by it. And once you lose it, it is hard to get it back again. It is hurshly sad when you believe someone but he/she turn back and put the tongue out.

I have the friendship with my step children which I want to grow bigger. I'm not going to be their mother, but I want to be a good friend of them. For me, those "ship"s are about respect and trust. it's also not one way. Both side have to have them otherwise it would be so weak and wobbly. I've been trying to teach them to be trustworthy which I think a key for life since we all have to interact with other people but somehow, it is a tough job. We all are on the trial every moment to prove ourselves trustworthy, at work, home, with boy/girlfriend and friends and it never end. It would be easy if you really are trustworthy, reliable person because no need to try. But how many of us have never tried? It is build up as we try to think and act responsibly and reliably repeatedly as going through the trials. It would be the only process to be genuinely trustworthy and to win genuine "friendship".

Ahhhh.. "Teaching is learning" and this learning process also never end!! Oh, life!

May all living thing be happy!