Monday 29 July 2013

Day 36 on body shaping program / Day 10 on IVF

Day 35 50.0k

I went to the clinic to take another blood test and the first ultrasound in the morning. The number of follicles were 7 in the left ovaries and 9 in right. The ultrasound also showed the size. According to the ultrasound specialist, the follicles looked good in size and number and the condition of my ovaries seemed good and young. It was big relieve that to find out the number was not in dangerous revel so that I can still continue the process of IVF.

In the afternoon, I got a call and went back to the clinic to see the nurse with a news for me. I was advised that the date for our theater, sperm and egg collection, is going to be on 31st, in two days. It was fantastic news that we could go to the next step!! !! She gave me the trigger injection which will release the follicles from ovaries and has to be taken exact 36 hours prior to the theater. Another news was that the embryo transfer is not going to happen straight after the fertilization which follows the theater due to the current high estrogen level. Embryo transfer has to be held till my body condition goes back to normal and it will be in two periods away which should be in September. So, they will freeze my fertilized embryo(s) till then.

I was given a medication called CABERGOLINE to get my estrogen level settled ASAP in order to prevent OHSS. The level apparently rose up again to 21.000 today. I will have to take it for 8 days. I was also told to drink a lot of water, to rest (so no exercise for a while)  and protein diet as well as keep eye on any symptoms for OHSS such as short of breath.

I just had the trigger injection. It was pen type injection so as easy as others.

It has been a bit of worrying time the last two days since I found the estrogen is concerning level and the possibility of cancellation and further damage on my fertility. Sure it is a bit of wait but I'm pretty happy with this outcome.

I will try to get my body back to normal and get ready for further process!






Sunday 28 July 2013

Day 35 on the body shaping program and Day 9 on IVF

Day 32 49.6k
Day 33 50.1k
Day 34 50.6k

The weight has gone back to the beginning since I started taking injections for IVF. I blame the hormone injection which affect my apatite,of course. My first priority is on conceiving so again let's not stressed.    
I have started using weight machine, once so far, and it made me feel good. However, I started feeling funny around my abdominal area, bloated and slight pain from day 7 of stimulation. I didn't feel to do intensive exercise is not good idea. On day 8, I had a blood test and the result came back rather negative. The nurse said that my body responded "extremely well" to the injection and the estrogen level is quite high so that I need to stop taking one of the medicine, Puragon to prevent over-stimulation. I followed the instruction today, day 9 and the result hasn't change, in fact slightly worsen. The ideal level of estrogen is between 3000 -9000 however mine was 17000 yesterday then 20000 today. The nurse concerned about my condition, if there are any symptom of OHSS, Ovarian Hyper Stimulated Syndrome such as nausea and shorten of breath. Actually, I shared my concern about the dose before it started. I've got a friend who suffered from severe OHSS and undergone so much with it for 6 month. She told me I was small like her and healthy, we both care about diet and lifestyle so our body could be actually younger than the average people in same age group. I thought it totally made sense. My doctor convinced me to go with the dose that was advised originally and I trusted his experience but my doctor now thinks the dose might have been too high for me. Well, hope it won't go any worse. I'm going to take another blood test and ultrasound to see how many follicles in my ovaries tomorrow. Fingers crossed for good result after all.





Tuesday 23 July 2013

IVF: my journey to meet the precious life has just started...!!

FINALLY!!!We have started IVF cycle recently and it's day 3. We had everything in place once last year but had to postpone it due to several family issues. Thankfully, things seems settled so that we could finally move forward.

It's pretty personal thing so wasn't sure if i should make record of it on this blog. However, I believe it's going to be great to note the journey and share it with someone who also choose IVF in order to meet their baby, treasure of the life.
I'm doing self injection, Lucrin and Puregon. It is self injection is much easier than I imagined, Thank God! It made things less stressful. I also had a big concern about my mood swing due to the influence of the chemical. However, I don't see any difference on my mental state so far which made me so relaxed as well. In fact, I feel much happier. I think it is with the fact we are one step closer to meet our future family member.

Blood test will be started on day 8,and soon after that, ultrasound will be started. All new and quite experience. Really hope all goes well and be able to share good news in about a month time.






Day 31

It's been 8 days since the last post. Oh my gosh... I really can't stick to this kind of things. Haha..

Day 23 49.6 kg
Day 24 48.8 kg
Day 25 48.5 kg
Day 26 49.2 kg
Day 27 no record
Day 28 49,8 kg
Day 29 no record
Day 30 no record

With my body shaping program, I've been doing the exercise alright. now I can do squat 70 times!!! It's really cool for me. However, fasting is not going well at all. It's been done only once and it wasn't even under 500 kcal. I don't know why it's so hard to make it. It's only once a week...! I think we, my hubby and myself have to set a day for fasting and stick to do it. Cutting sugar is still hard. I don't buy sugary stuff though, I baked last week. I made home made custard since we had a left over egg yolks which I didn't wanna waste. Then I made a pie to make a sweets with the custard. It was ...yum!!! but made it so difficult to control cravings even more.. Well... I should have made a omelette with the egg yolk ... wrong choice!!!    

It's been 30 days so it's now time to move to next step, including machine/ weight training three times a week.




Monday 15 July 2013

Day 23 - some identified differences on my body shape...

Day 21 49.7kg
Day 22 49.5kg

The scale has been fixed so now recording my weight re-started.

My apatite.. still crazy and weight is stable but it's gonna be like this till the hormonal monthly event occurs.

However, there are some positive difference on my body shape.

According to my husband, my bum is smaller and toned. It's a clear result of squats everyday. It started from 30 times/day and now I can do 60 times. I'm so proud of it because I used to give up at 30 times and simply think it's not possible. What I've done is increasing the times by 5 everyday, so like if you did 30 times, then try 35 next day. well, at least try. It actually worked! I'm now thinking that it's not an unrealistic goal to do 100 squats when I finish this weight program.

Next one is on swelling legs. I have noticed that my legs are leaner in the morning this week. What I've changed this week was soaking my feet in a bucket with warm water, around 41 degrees while shower in order to warm my entire body up. The detox system in human body works better when the body is warm. As the result of it, The lymph massage which I've done since the beginning has worked more effectively this week and drained the excess and unwanted stuff out from my system. It's simply so nice to see slender legs in the miller!
Another thing I have started this week was massaging boobs which I found on YouTube! It's a combination of a lymph massage and pressure point to create fuller bust. Well, I haven't notice any change in the size of my breasts, however, I know the area between the armpits and the back band of my bra is now smoother which used to be more bumpy and chunky with fat!!  

As an aside, this bust up program DVD is available to purchase. It comes with tutorial videos of massages, tips for food which increase female hormones, underwear to nurture the bust etc.. I have been a girl with small boobies for 40 years and come to an absolute acceptance it as a part of package of what I am. Of course, to be honest, I thought about boob jobs but it conflicts my policy of being myself lovingly. Therefore it has never been option. However, I do feel shame and wish they were bigger sometimes especially with my life style which contents some formal events with skin-showing gowns and beach/pool related events. So, this might be the one to try. Having bigger boobies grown with natural methods sounds perfect for me!  

Beck to the topic, I believe to continue whatever I do to the stages with "Three". In three days, it become your custom. In three weeks, the difference will arise, In three month time, it shows clear result of what you have done. I'm gonna add weight exercise to the precious program from next week, so I have to keep this in my mind to see the result which will make me proud of myself.

Day23 変化のほどは。。。?

Day 21 49.7kg
Day 22 49.5kg









Saturday 13 July 2013

体重計壊れた。The scale has got broken ;(

It's pity my scale has been playing out and finally got broken. So, I haven't been able to weigh myself lately.

The effect of having a motivating picture on the screen saver on my phone has been kinda working. Yes it encourages me not to miss massaging legs or exercise. Though, I did have one day that I didn't do any activity which I was supposed to. It was busy day and there are some days like this. I'm not too worried. I will catch up soon.

My apatite has been ridiculous. I suspect it is from premenstrual. There are some indications that I feel in my body and I'm so emotional. Well, I can't do much about it and everything seems too stressful enough, so I'm not too stressed about it neither.

I will get on to it when my hormonal level gets normal.





Monday 8 July 2013

Day 15

Day 14 - 49.6k

I have saved a photos of Miranda Kerr on my screen saver! It stopped me from having lunch when I got hungry even though I had breakfast/brunch today which is too much intake if I did. I do hope it will keep motivating me!


Sunday 7 July 2013

Day 14

The waight at previous days
Day 11 50.1k
Day 12 49.8k
Day 13 49.6k
day 14 find out tonight  





It’s been a bit of struggle with my appetite. Actually what’s hardest is my craving for sweet. When I went out on Friday, Karaoke and dinner at Izakaya Sakura, I could control my pace for foods  but when it came to dessert, I thought I would have the sweet for the weekend and not having one on the weekend.  However, I have been  out of control on sugar since then. Today , I had a big piece of a custard croissant and a cookie with coffee. What’s wrong with me!!! Well, It’s not new. I’m  a person so called in Japanese Mikka-bouzu ,which means you can discipline yourself only three days.  I tend to go off the track a bit ., but I go back on again and achieve my goal eventually when I’m serious. And, it is a serious one. I know it is the time to get back to business. I have to believe I can control and beat the craving. I haven’t done enough imagining my ideal picture. I will take a good look at pictures of my ideal body, Miranda Kerr tonight and tomorrow morning to kick the motivation back in.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Day 10

day 6 50.1k
day 7 49.9k
day 8 no record
day 9 49.5k

It's already day 10 but there hasn't been a significant change in my weight at all. Well, I have not had a half day fasting really. Since I don't eat breakfast usually, it have to be done with skipping lunch. I have tried last week but I gave in with my hunger then had late lunch which ended up with bigger than usual despite my intention of having small potion due to my maximized hunger. I see how it failed now. I'm going to try half-day fasting again on this Saturday or Sunday. I have to succeed this one to accelerate my progress. 

I have found the effective timing for massage body. It is that the body have to be warm when massage is done. I have been massaging my legs every night before go to bed after a shower and it haven't made much difference on my appearance. I used to see my legs definitely leaner and less swollen in the next morning. However, it hasn't turned out so well this time. Then, I noticed that I used to do it after having a bath, it's pretty common to have bath everyday in Japan, when my body was quite warm. However, since I now feel having a bath as a big deal in Western world, so I only have a shower. I've found my body is not warm at all to help the circulation of the fluid in my body when I massage, and even after massage I can't go to sleep easily because my feet are too cold. No wonder even though I spend more time and effort, it is not as good. Then this morning, I notice my body is warmer just after getting out from the bed, so I gave it a go to find out the effect of massage with the different body temperature. It was quite amazing. From this finding, I now need to figure out the way to warm by body up before go to bed because it's not easy to do it in the morning with domestic duties. Ideally, having a bath or half body bath but it's a bit of hassle and commitment, our bath is outside so good in summer but not in winter. Hmmm.. maybe foot bath will work? Let's try this tomorrow.