Saturday 29 June 2013

day 6

<Day 6>
For record
Day 4- 49k
Day 5- 49.8k
Day 6- 51.1k








It’s sixth day since I started the body shaping program and it has been pretty good. I was doing all menus all right except one day I missed massaging my legs and my weight has made a slow but good curve on the graph. BUT, it scored 51Kg, which is same weight as when I started, tonight. I just can’t believe it.

I have been careful what and how much I eat and exercise everyday. Yes, I had a bit of indulgence two days ago when we ate out at a farewell party and with a bit of sugary stuff, such as a jam donuts and a mini éclair and … some Coke but it doesn’t make sense..!!! I can’t get over the shock yet.

Well I guess I have to admit it is my lowered metabolism due to my age and maybe having losing muscle over the time is causing this extremely slow start and I have to carry on till I see some positive change which I believe I will see as I continue to work on my curriculum.

Persistence is power!! 

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Day 3

For my record,
Day 1- 49k
Day2- 49.2k







It's day 3.

My hubby is doing his exercise, 30 min walk or ride, almost everyday which is pretty good for him. 
I'm doing pretty good,too. I didn't go for walk with my doggy due to the rain yesterday though, it's not a big deal. Actually, two things are not so is to stop eating with 80% full and not taking sweet in weekdays. I never thought I've eaten so much but I have actually because I sense the signal from my satisfy center which means I'm full already when I feel it, which means I was failed to stop eating with 80% satisfaction. humm... I think to have smaller meal on my plate and not to have second will work best for it. Sugar, sugar... sweet evil... It's also something I didn't think I have craving for but now I know I have. 
One of the thing I know but I haven't really been aware of the greatness is the power of consciousness. I notice my body is pretty much the production of what I do everyday. For example, the shape of my bottom is not quite symmetry, I mean my right half is flatter and less volume on the top half. When I watched carefully how I walk today when I took my dog out for a walk, which is now my regular exercise time, I realized that I walk mainly with the left legs. I mean that my left foot has stronger step and kick and my right leg is just follow along the motion. I tried but t is not easy to use the right legs as a drive because it has less power to kick the ground due to not being used so the drive naturally shifts to the left leg. Therefore, the left leg gains more chance to get toned and shaped and this happened every time I walk or run. However, now I am aware what's happening with my bum and legs. I can now make a  conscious movement to encourage my right legs to step and kick stronger which will creates better shape of the right half of my bottom.

Another one on the consciousness on visualization. I tried to imagine the body of Miranda Kerr as mine when I did calf training today and it gave me extra push to do a little but further and harder. And again, a little extra in every time creates massive difference in long time.

Well, my focus in this time is my legs. especially the excess fat on my knees. It's a new project because I always thought that I would never lose it. I have them on my knees as long as I remember. However, I remember that I had same idea on my fat ankles five years ago. Then after a year of being regular member of the local gym, I decided I was wrong because I gained slim and toned ankles with beautifully toned calves. It convinced me to discover new me with lean legs!!! Apparently, the fat around knees are the byproduct of swelling of legs due to the bad blood and lymph circulation and it is able to dissolve by intensive massage. I have learned how to do it by a tutorial video and I have been doing it for last two days. I can't wait to compare in a month time and to meet flawless lean legs! 

Tuesday 25 June 2013

ダイエットぉ~~!MY body shaping project is now started!!





私の3ヶ月(92日間)の目標と計画( My goal and the menu)

目標 8月30日までに…( Till 30th,AUG)
-下半身(特に足首と膝上)とヒップの引き締め ( Tone my bottom, legs esp ancle and knee)
-背中引き締め ( Tone my back)

<1ヶ月目(the first month)>
*一ヶ月目はエクササイズを最小にとどめ、変化の記録をつける( to see the effect of massage in the figure, exercise is minimum.)    
-犬の散歩30分( walk the dog for 30 min) 
-スクワット、ふくらはぎのエクササイズ(毎日) ( squat and calf exercise everyday) 
-ストレッチ&リンパマッサージ(毎日) ( streatch and lymph massage) 
-腹八分目( eat 80% full) 
-甘いものは週末のみ ( sweets only on weekend)  
-半日断食(毎週月曜日)( half day fasting on Mon)
<2.3ヶ月目( the second and last month>
1ヶ月目の内容( same as above)+ウエイトエクササイズ(週3回)( weight exercise 3/week) 

せっかくなので目標は高く! 目指す体型はMiranda Kerr !!

It's been AGES since I got on this blog. Well, I've never kept writing my diary for more than 3 days, so it is so clear this kind of things are not mine. I know. 

However, I'm back on this blog now to keep a record of my body shaping progress

Well, I have come to the decision of getting on this serious body shaping, which I have sort of avoided ,to support my husband. He has gain 15kg in the last four years and not been happy with it, but he is not outdoor type, neither love of working out or exercise type,so couldn't promise the commitment to it. BUT FINALLY, he decided! I have encouraged him to get on to weight loss so many times for the 4 years. It was a momentum for me! I think he really mean it this time and I really want him to nail it. With the reason, I'm not going to be a sidelines. I'don't need to lose my weight as much as he does though, but I have wanted to get back into a toned body which I used to have before I moved to Australia where everything is pretty relaxed in every sense. I think it will be good for him to have a mate who pledge together to achieve a goal. It's going to be three month period. We are taking a big leap to the big challenges together! I have a feeling that this one is going to work...!! 

My husband's goal is to lose 7kg.  
Mine is to lose 3kg and more importantly to tone bottom half and my back. Last but not least, my ultimate ideal body is Miranda Kerr's !! 

I'm pumped! Bring it on!!