Wednesday 7 August 2013

Day 46 on BSP and Day 20 on IVF

After the last blood test, I've heard that my estrogen went back to normal but I still need to drink lots of water, over 2,5L per day and protein diet. I feel it in my body. The abdominal pain and bloating and the tenderness of breasts has eased and feeling much better lately.

However, one major change since I started IVF is not having a craving for coffee. I've been a proud coffee addict for 20 years. I had to have 2 cups of it at least till a weeks ago then it just disappear. Now, despite the several attempts of enjoying a cup of coffee, I have no craving what so ever and I don't enjoy the taste I used to looooove at all! In fact, the coffee cup is still next to me for over an hour untouched after a sip. It's so weird and miss loving the "ahhh" moment with the aroma and flavor so much. I've heard that ppl change their cravings to different food during pregnancy but I'm not pregant yet. hormone does this? hum... But I guess it's over and it's sad somehow....

I want to find a drink which picks me up and give me " ahhh " moment. I think the time with "ahhh" has been a little highlight of my day for ages so I definitely need it. I hate soft drink and sweet drinks so no coke or hot chocolate I'm not too fond of tea, a bit boring for me but maybe milk teas to start with.

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